CUENCA: Se cumplió jornadas académicas de graduados en la UPS

Cuenca, miércoles 23 julio 2014
CUENCA: Se cumplió jornadas académicas de graduados en la UPS
CUENCA: Se cumplió jornadas académicas de graduados en la UPS

The III Alumni Meeting at UPS came to an end

The III Alumni Meeting at Universidad Politécnica Salesiana was a complete success; there were seminars, workshops, conferences, and talks given by very well qualified professionals in each of the university majors.

All the activities programmed for the Alumni Meeting went according to planned; the organizers said the graduates benefited from the workshops, conferences, seminars, and talks that were led by experts. They also said this meeting fulfilled all their expectations since a good deal of alumni participated.

The alumni were not only lectured with theoretical information, they also practiced in the university’s laboratories. The graduates said that these events help them keep abreast and acquire new information which will be useful in their jobs. They added that the event is also a great opportunity to see their old friends and classmates and recall their life at the university.

At the end of the event the alumni were given some souvenirs as well as certificates for having attended the seminars.