CUENCA: Se inauguraron jornadas deportivas organizadas por la Federación de Estudiantes

Cuenca, martes 10 junio 2014
CUENCA: Se inauguraron jornadas deportivas organizadas por la Federación de Estudiantes
CUENCA: Se inauguraron jornadas deportivas organizadas por la Federación de Estudiantes

Universidad Politecnica Salesiana’s Federation of Students inaugurated an internal sports competition in which more than 100 teams representing several majors will compete in soccer (for both men and women) and women’s basketball in the university’s soccer field and basketball court.

A ceremony was held to welcome all the participating teams. Here, Cristian Freire, the Federation of Students’ president officially inaugurated the sports competition, by saying that the aim of the competition was to strengthen the students’ ties of friendship besides allowing them to show off their skills in soccer and basketball. He asked everyone to maintain their composure during every game and congratulated all teams for their participation.

Participants took their sportsmanship oath from ex Deportivo Cuenca footballer Pablo Marín Jiménez

The students from Occupational Psychology were the most cheerful people in the coliseum; they cheered for their classmates throughout the event.