CUENCA: Se inició curso de inducción en la UPS

Cuenca, domingo 10 agosto 2014
CUENCA: Se inició curso de inducción en la UPS
CUENCA: Se inició curso de inducción en la UPS

Induction course at UPS

Around 2500 candidates that hope to study one of several majors offered at Universidad Politécnica Salesiana gathered in the University coliseum to participate in the induction course which ended on August 8th.

Cesar Vasquez, Business Administration director, on behalf of the UPS-Cuenca vice president welcomed everybody and told students "If you have decided to study at this university, consider it your home because this is where you will spend your time during your studies". He also said that this is a new and important stage in students' lives because this is where they decide their future. Then Vicente Samaniego, Admissions Director, told students all about the activities planned for the induction course. 

Cristian Freire, president of the students' federation at UPS, said the federation is made up by students, that the activities they do are aimed at students' well-being and that the university authorities constantly show their support.

Once the welcome ceremony was over, the students were taken to their corresponding classrooms for the induction course.
UPS- Cuenca is offering the following majors which begin September 2014:

Business administration, accounting and auditing, electronic engineering, electrical engineering, systems engineering, mechanical engineering, automotive mechanical engineering, mechatronics, environmental engineering, biotechnology for natural resources, veterinary medicine, social communication, work psychology, physical education, pedagogy and management for local sustainable development, and physical education.