CUENCA: Se realizó Concurso de Música en Inglés en la UPS

Cuenca, miércoles 23 julio 2014
CUENCA: Se realizó Concurso de Música en Inglés en la UPS
CUENCA: Se realizó Concurso de Música en Inglés en la UPS

English Music Contest at UPS


Emilio Morocho was the winner of the second English music contest organized by the UPS language institute in Cuenca. Emilio was awarded a free English level, three books donated by Pearson Ecuador, and a university folder.

The runners up were Clarisa Sherly Sarmiento Morales and Daysi Paola Quintuña Córdova. Edisson Fernando Mendoza López came in third. They were awarded two books donated by Pearson and a university folder.

The music contest was part of the language institute’s planning for this semester. Students from all levels were called to take part, and after having 21 participants only 11 were chosen for the finale which was held at the university Padre Carlos Crespi Theater.

Lidia Scaldaferri,  Ignacio Arocha, Gilberto Brito, and Nick Fenger were the jury members in charge of choosing the best singers by taking the students’ artistic, music and English skills, into account.

Poems Contest

The UPS language institute also organized a Poem contest titled “My Life Expectations”. And just like the music contest, students from all levels participated. The winner of the poem contest was Carmen Valeria Cabrera Brito, alias Moonshine. She was awarded three books donated by Pearson.

The members of the jury, Ignacio Arocha, Ann Carr, and Carol Dubs, highlighted the participants’ level and creativity in poem writing.