CUENCA: Se reunió la Red Académica de Carreras de Ingeniería Eléctrica del Ecuador RACIEE

Cuenca, jueves 2 octubre 2014
CUENCA: Se reunió la Red Académica de Carreras de Ingeniería Eléctrica del Ecuador RACIEE
CUENCA: Se reunió la Red Académica de Carreras de Ingeniería Eléctrica del Ecuador RACIEE

The Academic Network of Electrical Engineering majors in Ecuadorian Universities got together

The Academic Network of Electrical Engineering majors in Ecuadorian Universities (RACIEE, in Spanish) got together during the last week of September to develop a cooperation agreement between all Ecuadorian Universities that currently offer Electrical Engineering majors in order to join efforts and work together on research, teaching and community involvement.

This event was attended by representatives from the following universities: Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC), Xavier Proaño; Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí (ULEAM), Juan Cedeño; Católica de Cuenca (UCACUE), Pablo Murillo; Politécnica Salesiana sede Guayaquil (UPS–G); Ingeniero Richard Pilozo, Técnica Estatal de Quevedo (UTEQ); Ángel Torres, Técnica de Manabí (UTM), Jorge Solórzano.

The meeting was presided by Marco Carpio, Director of the Electrical Engineering major at UPS-Cuenca and Coordinator of the network as well as the representatives of every university,

The attendees also approved a framework containing the minimum information or knowledge required by an Electrical Engineering graduate. The framework was developed nationwide through video conferences and will now be sent to ASECEI for its validation.