Designing strategies for the university's future

UPS, lunes 14 diciembre 2020
Students and professors are invited to present their ideas
Students and professors are invited to present their ideas


In order for the academic planning to be as participatory as possible, starting on December 1st, UPS president Juan Cardenas will hold meetings to discuss this topic. During this time there will be forums: Where are we? Where are we headed? and What type of teachers are needed to guarantee integral education based on the competencies of the 21st century. 

The forums give people an opportunity to present their ideas on how to make the university a better place for today's youth and how the university can contribute to improve the ethical crisis. Listening to teachers, students and administrative staff will enable the university to improve its quality.

Everyone is invited to provide ideas that will contribute to the design of strategies to transform UPS for the future. 

The forums are avialable at:"