Ecuadorian, Brazilian and Argentinean researchers visited several salesian projects

Quito, jueves 19 noviembre 2015
Pablo Terán (profesor de la UPS y coordinador de Radio Mensaje) en compañía de Alberto Pereira, Efendi Maldonado e investigador argentino en las cabinas de Radio Mensaje.
Pablo Terán (profesor de la UPS y coordinador de Radio Mensaje) en compañía de Alberto Pereira, Efendi Maldonado e investigador argentino en las cabinas de Radio Mensaje.

Thirty researchers and speakers from Brazil, Argentina and Ecuador who attended the "International Conference on Research and Communication", which was organized by Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar, Red AMLAT and the social communication major at UPS-Quito, visited some of the Salesian projects in Cayambe, Pesillo and Cariacu.

They first visited the Casa Campesina de Cayambe, where people were holding an agroecology fair. Father Fernando Guaman, director of the Salesian community in Cayambe and Ibarra, Jose Juncosa, UPS-Quito Vice President, and Narcisa Requelme, director of CILEC, welcomed all the attendees. 

Father Guaman talked about the salesian projects that are currently working there, such as la Maternidad, la Unidad Educativa Domingo Savio, el Sistema de Crédito Comunitario, Tainate Huasi workshops, Laboratorio de Leche and Radio Mensaje. 

Their second visit was to the "HERCHAN" cheese factory located in the community of Santo Domingo. Here the visitors learnt about the process and how this family project has progressed. This factory is supported by the UPS milk laboratory which guarantees quality products.

After their visit to the factory, they went to a milk producing farm in the community of Cariacu where UPS is currently conducting research to determine the efficient use of water for farming. Jorge Sandoval, UPS technician, was there to welcome the visitors and explain how the university supports their work.

After that, they visited the "Jatari Huagra" milk collection center in the community of Pesillo where Inocencio and Segundo Catucuamba and Luz Maria Cruz explained visitors how the center works, the process, improvements and how they sell quality milk at a fair price. They remembered how the center started and how UPS President Javier Herran, former director of the Casa Campesina de Cayambe helped with the project. 

Passed noon, the researchers now visited the Grupo de Mujeres Urcu Sisa, a group of women who collect and then sell dried mushrooms to leading supermarkets in the country. They also remembered how Father Javier Herran was there to support their work.

The next stop was the milk laboratory in Cayambe, where the visitors learned about the research projects being conducted and their work in community involvement. The visitors also attended an interview at Radio Mensaje, a radio broadcasting station which in charge of the social communication major at UPS-Quito. 

The directors of these projects agreed that they are still at work thanks to the support of Radio Mensaje, which helps them disseminate and communicate their work, proposals and demands to people and thus get them involved.