Ecuadorian researchers are being trained at UPS

Guayaquil, miércoles 30 noviembre 2016
Students from Cristóbal Colón High School attended the photo exhibition
Students from Cristóbal Colón High School attended the photo exhibition

As part of the 3rd International Congress on Science, Technology and Innovation for Society (CITIS), which is being held in Guayaquil from November 30th – December 2nd, the following workshops are taking place: "Dissemination of Institutional Scientific Production in Academic Social Networks", "Editorial process for the indexing of Scopus scientific journals", "Elements of the theory of graphs: a first approach to describe real world networks", "Editorial process for the indexing of REDALYC scientific journals".

The workshops were led by Luis Miguel Romero, PhD., a member of the committee of the Comunicar journal; Moises Moreno, consultant of Scopus Elsevier; Daniel Gamermann, PhD. Researcher from Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul (Brazil); Salvador Chavez Avila, director of Redalyc's documentation and content department.

The workshops are aimed at researchers from Ecuadorian universities and the topics are:

-    Dimensions of scientific journals
-    Common strategies of academic social networks
-    New technologies applied to scientific communication, and others

 "The workshops have been multidisciplinary, people from different fields have participated and that's what makes these activities significant", said Luis Miguel Romero. 

On November 30th, Ricardo Silva, PhD, President of Instituto Técnico Tecnológico de Yachay, will give a workshop on Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Health, from 10am to 5pm. 

A photo exhibition to commemorate Father Carlos Crespi is also being held in the university chapel. The exhibition is open to the public from November 28th to December 2nd . "The exhibition is to show people what Father Crespi has done through research", said Luis Alvarez, PhD., head of communication and culture at UPS.

CITIS has become a scientific event with an academic, humanistic, collaborative and social vision whose goal is to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge, technologies and innovation developed to improve the quality of life of people.