Emergency plan and six drills in our branch campus in Quito

Quito, viernes 7 julio 2023
The univeristy community taking part of the drills
The univeristy community taking part of the drills

The occupational safety, health and environment department (UNISSMA for its acronym in Spanish) in our branch campus in Quito organized six evacuation drills as part of its Emergency Plan in “El Giron” and “Sur” campuses. The activity was supported by the fire department and the brigades made up of university workers. 


About 9000 people, among professors, students and administrative staff; took part in the drills. The aim was that the university community learn about the safety protocols and that it becomes part of its culture. 

Evelyn Lima, from UNISSMA, explained that the final report contains evaluations from observers and the fire department, and that the information will be the base for implementing improvements in infrastructure, equipment and logistics. 


Additionally, there were talks to discuss evacuation protocols which were learned in the virtual course. Support brigades of each technical area were trained and divided into first aid, evacuation and firefighting groups.

Members of the teams toured the campus to recognize and evaluate evacuation routes, check the status of fire extinguishers and other emergency systems.