Enrique Palacios and Joffre Constante presented their book titled "El recurso solar para la generación de energía. Análisis para el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito

Quito, viernes 7 noviembre 2014
Authorities who attended the book launch
Authorities who attended the book launch

Last October 27th, UPS professors Enrique Palacios and Joffre Constante presented their book titled "El recurso solar para la generación de energía. Análisis para el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito" in UPS-Quito. Electrical Engineering students and professors as well as representatives from government institutions in the electricity industry attended the event. 

Here are some of the distinguished authorities who attended this event:  Viviana Montalvo, UPS- Quito Vice president;  Enrique Palacios, book author; Milton Balseca from the Quito Electric Company;  Esteban Inga, Electrical Engineer Director at UPS;  Luis Álvarez, Editor at UPS,  Juan Carlos Herrera Heredia from the National Energy Control Center (CENACE, in Spanish) and a professor and researcher at UPS; and Erith Alexander Muñoz, professor and researcher of Electrical Engineering. 

Viviana Montalvo thanked and congratulated the authors for their book; she said it is a great scientific contribution. Herrea, book commentator said the research is relevant since it is based on the use of solar energy as a renewable source and the research can be directly applied to the photovoltaic industry. He added that this book compliments the university and the electrical engineering major. 

Palacios thanked UPS for all their support to carry out the research. He said that nowadays professors and students are faced with a new research era that requires us to learn new languages and programs that will allow us to troubleshoot problems. He also encouraged everyone to conduct new research projects