Ethics in university education

Guayaquil, martes 14 febrero 2017
Students who attended the event
Students who attended the event


On January 28th and February 4th, the university's pastoral department in Guayaquil held an event titled "Educational Meeting" for students from different majors who are currently taking Ethics class.

The meeting, held in Colegio Salesiano Doming Comín, demonstrated the importance of the work done by the university in benefit of society, considering the university members are agents of change. "UPS not only seeks to make people professionals, but people who are capable of creating a better society", said Father Ivan Segarra.

These events seek to make people more human, beyond the classsroom. "These activities are important because we all should prosper in values and these actions are part of our learning", said Allison Lara, UPS student.

There were several workshops to strengthen the humanistic subjects in the university. "It is a dynamic meeting that fosters salesian values in students", said Segarra.

This meeting to discuss ethics will be held each academic period

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