Examen de ubicación de inglés - sede Cuenca

EVENTO Semipresencial TIPO Instituto de Idiomas Cuenca lunes, 5 septiembre 2022


The language institute in our branch campus in Cuenca announces that all students from all undergraduate programs can take the English placement exam on the following dates:

On campus students:
Registration from August 15th to September 5th 
Exam date: September 12th 
Time: 9am
Note: Students must take their headphones (no Bluetooth headphones) and their ID card
Cost: $50 
Online students:
Registration: August 15th to September 5th 
Exam date: September 13th 
Time: 6pm 
Note: you will get an email with the ZOOM link 
Cost: $50

More information below:





•    Fill in the online form addressed to Magno Vivar. Attach a scanned colored copy of you ID and invoice
•    Email a scanned copy of the deposit slip to ssarmiento@ups.edu.ec 
Note: Students with a high English level must fill in an online request addressed to their undergraduate program director. The option is: “Solicitud de validación de la suficiencia de la lengua extranjera mediante evaluación”.


- Pay at the university from Monday to Friday from 8am to 1pm and from 2pm to 7pm
- Deposit or transfers to the following banks:

 Banco del Pacífico
Ruc: 0190151530001 
cta. cte. 7420487 
A nombre de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana 
E-mail: mtocachi@ups.edu.ec 
Banco del Pichincha 
Ruc: 0190151530001 
cta. cte. 3090485904 
A nombre de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana 
E-mail: mtocachi@ups.edu.ec  

Cooperativa JEP
Ruc: 0190151530001 
cta. Ahorros 406110536301 
A nombre de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana 
E-mail: mtocachi@ups.edu.ec 
Note: After you make the deposit, using a blue ink pen write you full name and ID number on the deposit slip and send it to Sara Sarmiento: ssarmiento@ups.edu.ec


For more information contact:  
Jessenia Calle
Email:  jcallep1@ups.edu.ec