Exchange program between students from UPS and students from Belgium

Cuenca, lunes 29 abril 2024
Delegación de la UPS y la UCLL en Bélgica
Delegación de la UPS y la UCLL en Bélgica


Seven students and three professors from our university are currently in Belgium thanks to an exchange program with Leuven – Limburg University. The aim of the program is to strengthen professional competencies and support personal and professional development.

Students majoring in psychology, law, mechatronics, biomedicine, business administration, computing, electronics and automation carry out several activities that will reinforce their intercultural competencies.  
During the program, students presented the results of six projects, in health, technology and social services, aimed at helping people in less privileged situations.

The agreement between our university and Leuven – Limburg University has been a successful international education program which has given students the opportunity to gain new experiences.