Father Juan Bottasso recognized with the "Cavaliere de la Ordine della Stella D´ Italia" award

Quito, martes 17 marzo 2015
(from left to right)  Italian embassy staff, Juan Bottasso, Mauricio Gnerre, Mathias Abram and José Juncosa
(from left to right) Italian embassy staff, Juan Bottasso, Mauricio Gnerre, Mathias Abram and José Juncosa

On March12th, 2015 the Italian government recognized Father Juan Bottasso, UPS professor and president of the Abya Yala publishing hourse, with the "Cavaliere de la Ordine della Stella D´ Italia" award. The diploma was signed by Giorgio Napolitano (former president of Italy 2006- 2015) and awarded to Father Bottasso  during an evening meal in the Italian Embassy in Ecuador by ambassador Gianni Piccato. 

This recognition was introduced in Italy in 1947 and is awarded to prominent citizens around the world. The order's symbol is a five pointed star, which is a symbol of the Italian emblem, it is made of gold and has ribbon with the colors of the Italian flag.

Father Marcelo Farfan, Father Antonio Polo, Father Pío Baschirotto, and Father Carlos Zanuto accompanied Father Bottasso. Other distinguished professors, of intercultural bilingual education, who attended the event were José Juncosa, Maurizio Gnerre and Mathias Abram.

Father Bottasso has devoted his work to the indigenous amazon movement of shuar since 1964. He led a missionary that was respectful with cultures and kind with natives in the territory. In 1975 he founded the "Mundo Shuar" publishing house and later went on to create the Abya Yala cultural center, the Abya Yala museum, publishing house and library. 

To encourage education among indigenous men and women, in 1987 Father Bottasso created the Applied Anthropology major and helped create the Management for local and sustainable development major in UPS. 

Father Bottasso was the UPS-Quito Vice President from 1995 to 1999 and in 2003 he was included in the National Academy of Ecuadorian History. These are some of his books: Los Salesianos y los Shuar. Entre la hostilidad y el diálogo (1980); Bibliografía general de la Nación Jívaro (1983), Los Salesianos y la Amazonía (1993).