Graduation ceremonies in our branch campus in Quito

Quito, miércoles 31 mayo 2023
The graduation ceremony
The graduation ceremony


A graduation ceremony was held for over 400 students who successfully completed their undergraduate programs; the ceremony was presided by Maria Sol Villgomez, vice president of our branch campus in Quito; Floralba Aguilar, academic coordinator; and professors. 


“I invite you all to follow your dreams, to not lose hope, and now that we have better tools, to face new challenges”, said Nicol Vergara. Jaqueline Morales, said that despite the difficulties of the pandemic, they were able to complete their education and become professionals. 


Andrés Caicedo, Érika Játiva, Myriam Moreno, Alfonso Eduardo Aguilar Terán, Ruth Patricia Vallejo Morillo and Karen Benítez also gave a speech on behalf of all the graduates. 


Lizbeth Olivio and Diana Carrera were awarded certificates for being part of salesian groups during their entire university lives. 

Graduation for postgraduate students


90 students also graduated from master’s degree programs in business administration, accounting and auditing, psychology, special education, innovation in education, information and communication technologies for education, water resources, production and industrial operations, mathematical methods, electronics and automation, mechanical engineering and natural pharmaceutical products. 


“We thank the university for the being one of the best universities in the country and guiding us in the process, we thank all the professors for their commitment to teach”, said Alexandra Gualoto. On the other hand, Jessica Rivadeneira stressed the values of the university to educate professionals capable of providing quality professional services.