Graduation ceremony for 278 new professionals

Quito, martes 24 enero 2017
The graduation ceremony
The graduation ceremony


On the 18th and 19th January, there were three graduation ceremonies in the university's branch campus in Quito for 278 students who successfully finished their studies. The ceremonies were attended by the university's chancellor Father Robert Garcia; honorary doctor Juan Botasso; the vice president of the university's branch in Quito Jose Juncosa; Academic Vice President Fernando Pesantez; academic coordinator Patricio Benavides and a member of the board Juan Cardenas, as well as faculty directors.

For Juncosa, "the graduation ceremony is a very important moment for us because that's where the university shows its best assets; you are a demonstration of how it's possible to fulfill dreams no matter the difficulties; don't forget your achievements were possible thanks to others, you are not alone, you are the result of solidary efforts."

Duuring his speech, Father Garcia spoke about the identity pillars of higher education salesian institutions, such as Christian inspiration, catholic and salesian nature. He told the new professionals to "not forget their vocation of service as the most important value of their professional education. Remember to serve the most needy and combine action with knowledge in order to change reality in order to have a better, more human and fairer world. Be sure that serving is more important succeeding."

The Faculty directors who gave a speech were: Patsy Prieto (computer engineering), Esteban Inga (electrical engineering) and German Arevalo (civil engineering). Diego Araujo Vanegas (computer engineering), Estefania Cruz Espinoza (psychology) and Luis Palacios (electronic engineering) spoke on behalf of the students.

There was a musical performance by Diana Aviles, UPS alumni, to end the ceremony