Graduation ceremony in Quito

Quito, jueves 19 diciembre 2019
The ceremony
The ceremony


A graduation ceremony for 60 new graduates was held in our branch campus in Quito. Students who successfully ended their undergraduate programs in in electronics enginering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering were awarded their university degree. 

The ceremony was presided by UPS president Javier Herran, the vice president of our branch campus in Quito, Jose Juncosa; the director of electronic engineering, Ramon Perez; director of mechanical engineering, Sonia Guano; director of electrical engineering, Alexander Aguila; and professors Cristian Juiña and Darío Jaramillo.

"Those of us who remain at UPS know how to deepen our commitment to a more academic and intercultural, more polytechnic, more Salesian university. Those who chose it, know that you have made the right choice," said Jose Juncosa. He also highlighted the academic advances referring to the students who participate as research assistants and as speakers in national and international conferences.

Andrés Ganán addressed the public on behalf of all the graduates; "this institution has been our home in the long hours of study and preparation, a courtyard where we has pleasant moments with our classmates and a school where people with values and good professional practices are formed," he said.

Javier Herran said: "the fact that UPS is among the 100 best universities in Latin America and ranks seventh in Ecuador, is the work of our graduates, professors and parents' efforts and trust…"