GUAYAQUIL: Club de Robótica cosecha triunfos en encuentro tecnológico en Pelileo

Guayaquil, jueves 24 julio 2014
GUAYAQUIL: Club de Robótica cosecha triunfos en encuentro tecnológico en Pelileo
GUAYAQUIL: Club de Robótica cosecha triunfos en encuentro tecnológico en Pelileo
On July 19th, the UPS- Guayaquil Robotics Club took part in the “First Technological Competition- Pelileo Digital 2014”. Escuela Politécnica del Chimborazo (ESPOCH), Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas del Ecuador, and other universities also participated.
UPS won:
  • FIRST PLACE in Robot Mini battles
  • FIRST PLACE in Robot Soccer Players
  • THIRD PLACE in Robot Soccer Players
Students from the Robotics Club and their professors Byron Lima and Ricardo Cajo thanked the UPS – Guayaquil Vice president Andrés Bayolo and the Electronic Engineering director Victor Huilcapi for all their support.