GUAYAQUIL: Más de mil personas participaron en eventos del Simposium de investigación en tecnologías de apoyo a la discapacidad

Guayaquil, jueves 8 mayo 2014
GUAYAQUIL: Más de mil personas participaron en eventos del Simposium de investigación en tecnologías de apoyo a la discapacidad
GUAYAQUIL: Más de mil personas participaron en eventos del Simposium de investigación en tecnologías de apoyo a la discapacidad

The research conference on technology for disabilities was a great success. It had the presence of distinguished national and international speakers.  Andrés Bayolo, vice president of UPS- Guayaquil, gave the attendees a warm welcome.

Some of the speakers were: Sergio Luján, PHD, an expert in web accessibility, Rafael Sánchez Montoya, PHD teacher and researcher from Universidad de Cádiz in Spain, and Justo Pereda Montoya, PHD, teacher at Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Nidia Guayaquil, Ms.C from Escuela Politécnica Nacional and the coordinator of the Red Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa, Engineer Eduardo Pinos, teacher and researcher of the inclusión technologies research group at UPS, and Sonia Margarita Villacrés, Ms.C., vice president of the World Federation of the Deaf-Blind, represented our country.

The Secretaría Técnica de Discapacidades (Secretriat of Disabilities) SETEDIS and Consejo Nacional de Igualdad de Discapacidades CONADIS (the National Council for disability equality), among other important institutions were part of this event. Besides those who had registered for the event, more than one thousand people visited the stands which presented innovative proposals for people with disabilities. See memoirs here. See memoirs here