Hack Tech Ecuador

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Académico UPS viernes, 13 abril 2018
The university’s branch campus in Cuenca invites the entire university community to attend the Hack Tech Ecuador on the 13th and 14th April.
Students and professors from different fields of engineering will get together to find solutions to current problems in Ecuador. 
The aim of this event is to come up with technological solutions to problems caused by natural disasters. It is important to develop new competencies, provide technical solutions as well as carry out activities aimed at creating new businesses. 
There will be ten teams that will come up with proposals and create prototypes, then a jury made up by experts will choose the best one. 
The prizes are:
- Support from StartUPS and up to $6000 from the IEEE 
- Advice from the Entrpreneurship Center to develop the business idea
- Register in a Congress to publish a paper
IEEE student members: $15
YP IEEE members: $20
IEEE professional members: $30
Nonmembers of IEEE: Students - $30   /  Professionals - $75
Date: April 13th and 14th
Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm
Place: UPS’s branch campus in Cuenca