Innovative projects in the "reTHOS" Boot Camp

UPS, jueves 3 mayo 2018
Participants of this edition
Participants of this edition
A new edition of the reTHOS bootcamp was held in the Baguanchi Convention Center in the city of Cuenca. Several multidisciplinary teams attended the three day event to develop prototypes of their projects. This event was organized by the university's Research Department and entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem- StartUPS; the projects undergo a process of improvement based on innovation and creativity.

"The role of our university is to transform the life of our students and fulfil a salesian mission so that they can take control of their own lives", said Juan Pablo Salgado. 

A total of 132 entrepreneurs, students, professors and professionals from around the country, attended the bootcamp to create new prototypes and business models. Participants were guided 15 UPS professors-mentors, 8 national and 7 international mentors who helped the participants organize their innovative ideas.

The result was 33 projects, but the winners were:

1st place: DETFUG (Cuenca)- a security system to detect gas leakage, automatically stop its discharge and alert users through a phone call. 

2nd place: GREEN HOUSE (Quito)- It is a smart mini greenhouse for planting vegetables that maintain adequate internal climate conditions, it works autonomously and allows monitoring parameters such as temperature and humidity remotely and in real time.

3rd place: PROT-G (Quito)- protein bars (cookies) based on farm crickets to achieve better nutrition and intellectual development focused especially on children between 5 and 7 years old. 

The three winning projects were awarded an economic prize and will be undergo an incubation process for six months.