International academic meeting to discuss taxation 

Quito, martes 17 octubre 2023
Speakers during the meeting
Speakers during the meeting


The accounting undergraduate program in our branch campus in Quito held an international academic meeting to discuss topics related to taxation in different countries. The aim was that students exchange knowledge and experiences and be able to have several perspectives. 


Denis Lara, Felipe Morillo, Yineth Garcés and Carlos Chilito, students, professors and researchers from Corporación Universitaria COMFACAUCA, from Colombia, spoke about the importance of taxation in Colombia, ICTs in higher education, artificial intelligence and systems applied to projects.

Orlando Trujillo, from Universidad de Guadalajara, presented his research regarding the economic prospects in Mexico; while Daniel Durán, from Universidad de las Americas UDLA Chile, presented a comparative analysis of Chilean and European legislation on sustainable agri-food systems.

UPS professors Andrés Estupiñán and Rommel Peñaherrera spoke about the accounting and auditing transformation in the era of artificial intelligence: global opportunities and challenges, joined by student Andrea Santamaría who spoke about artificial intelligence applied to taxation. Researchers and students from Universidad Federal de Pernambuco and Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, both in Brazil, were also part of the meeting.

Encuentro académico internacional de estudiantes en el ámbito contable tributario


The meeting was attended by 200 participants from our university and 28 guests from Colombia. Everyone was able to create a network of professionals for future projects in academia and between institutions.