JOBAL APP, created at UPS, will compete in Israel

Quito, miércoles 9 marzo 2022
Adriel Beltrán, CEO; Juan Andrade, CTO, and Adonis Beltrán, CFO
Adriel Beltrán, CEO; Juan Andrade, CTO, and Adonis Beltrán, CFO


Adriel Beltrán, a graduate of biotechnology engineering from our university, is one of the founders of Jobal App, which was created during the pandemic. The app provides virtual services in the field of educational technology. After one year, the most requested service has been distance learning, therefore its creators have now relaunched the app which exclusively focuses on this service. It currently has 273 students and 100 teachers.


It also provides home schooling in Quito for high school and university students. The idea started in the university’s business incubation program and its goal is to become a leader in Ecuador and Latin America. 


The founders are now getting ready to go to Israel to compete in INNOVAUP, a competition for innovative projects. Adriel Beltran explained that they signed up through the competition’s website and that they were awarded one of the scholarships along with other 50 projects. 


Adriel Beltran is the CEO, Juan Andrade is the CTO, Santiago Garcia is the CMO and Adonis Beltran is the CFO. 


To be a teacher for Jobal, candidates must first pass some tests and teach a demonstration lesson. Students who need an academic levelling course must first create an account and fill in the required information, choose a subject, the mode of study (online or on site) , date and time. 


“After returning from Israel, our goal is to transmit the knowledge we have acquired during the program to more entrepreneurs at the university’s ecosystem by holding webinars and encouraging people to start their own business”, stated Beltran.


He finally thanked the university for believing and supporting entrepreneurs through its bootcamps and business incubation programs.