Meeting for Salesian group members in Quito

Quito, lunes 13 mayo 2024
Meeting for Salesian group members (ASU for its acronym in Spanish)
Meeting for Salesian group members (ASU for its acronym in Spanish)

Our branch campus in Quito held a meeting for all salesian groups (ASU for its acronym in Spanish), academic, communication, cultural, sports and social political; the meeting was organized by the university pastoral department and the aim was to strengthen students’ integral education based on the principles of salesian pedagogy. 


The meeting was held in “El Giron” campus and was attended by 285 students and 15 facilitators. The inauguration speech was given by Maria Sol Villagomez, vice president of our branch campus in Quito, and the agenda was presented by Damian Salazar, coordinator of the the salesian groups in Quito.

“Our goal is to educate young people who can perform in the field of organization, management and also help others, which is a process of cooperation,” said Villagómez. She spoke about the four pillars of education of Jacques Delors, French politician and economist: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be, concepts that are part of the work of the ASU groups.

Some of the activities were: “A Dream that Makes You Dream” presented by Father Mauricio Leime, which focused on the vocational call and the protagonism of young people in their life projects. He also explained the sayings of words of the Rector Major, Fr. Fernando Artime, who referred to the fact that, in this dream, Don Bosco defines his mission with young people, establishes his goal of educating them to make them grow as people and presents the educational method of the Preventive System. This dream reveals the purpose of his work: God's love for young people
Participants also completed hands-on activities, leadership workshops, and future planning techniques, all focused on strengthening leadership and teamwork. The meeting was not only an opportunity for learning, but also for coexistence and reflection.

This event demonstrated the university’s commitment to the integral education of its students, promoting values and skills that contribute to the personal and professional development of each of the participants.