Meeting to discuss research at UPS

Guayaquil, martes 14 febrero 2017
Coordinators of several research groups
Coordinators of several research groups


The first meeting on Research titled "Socialization of management, research projects and results to the Salesian Academic community" was held in the university's branch campus in Guayaquil with the participation of the coordinators of the 12 research groups in Guayaquil and representatives of the research department.

The meeting was attended by professors who carry out research, the aim was that they join the several research groups in the university.

 During this event, the coordinators of the research groups spoke about the work they have done, their research lines, their achievements and intention to find new members to join the groups. "TICAD is a group that seeks inclusion in education together with students and professors", said Alice Naranjo, coordinator of TICAD.

Sharing the achievements in research that we have obtained allows us to encourage students to be part of this process. "Students look for these spaces to learn about the state of the art and apply their knowledge in technology. This is very gratifying for both the university and the professors", said Pablo Perez, coordinator of research.

The research department is planning the 4th International Congress on Science, Technology and Innovation for Society (CITIS,2017). This Congress intends to be the ideal place to present, discuss and disseminate research conducted in UPS.

"Professors and students are called to prepare their research and take part in CITIS 2017", said Perez