Mission trips to Peru and Bolivia

Cuenca, martes 29 noviembre 2022
Juan Cárdenas, UPS president,  with volunteers
Juan Cárdenas, UPS president, with volunteers


Students from our branch campus in Cuenca are part of 7 volunteers who went on mission trips to Salesian institutions in Peru and Bolivia. 

A special ceremony was held to commemorate 50 years of salesian missions around the world and sent off the volunteers on their trip; the ceremony was attended by Father Fransisco Sanchez, inspector of salesians in Ecuador; and Father Juan Cardenas, president of Universidad Politecnica Salesiana – UPS. 

Maria Cordero Mendieta, Roberto Coronel Berrezueta and Karina Chica Salazar will serve the communities of Bolivia and Peru. Their mission is to carry out social work, identify problems and needs and help solve them. 

The university supports activities that will help students develop personal skills, values and their integral human development.