Motivational talks for professors and staff

Cuenca, lunes 3 octubre 2016
María Augusta Barros during her talk
María Augusta Barros during her talk



The university's occupational psychology major in Cuenca held two motivational talks for professors and staff. 

The first talk was titled "Getting to know disabilities" and it was aimed at the university's administrative staff. The talk was led by Professor Maria Eugenia Barros. The objective of this talk was to learn more about disabilities from a different perspective and not in a paternalistic manner, but to see people with disabilities as people with skills, resources and potential. 

Professor Barros explained that nowadays disabilities are not considered an illness, but a series of individual mechanisms of adaptation in search of the best possible living standards. She said that disabilities must be taken with a natural and simple attitude, not being afraid of people, not making fun of them, answering their questions, being patient with their reactions, being friendly, helping in whatever is needed and trying that they do their activities independently. She finished her talk by saying "Knowing is not enough, we have to apply. Willingness is not enough, we must implement it"

The second talk was "Emotional Intelligence", and was led by Lorena Cañiizares, director of the occupational psychology major. 

The aim of the talk was to share knowledge and best practices for managing emotional intelligence. "Learning to manage emotions is essential, regardless our profession. The process involves perception, knowledge and emotion regulation. Teaching involves personal work necessary to transmit information to students in a better way, manage assertive communication composed by elements of affectivity will allow the internalisation of more efficient and effective content, and at the same time it allows teachers to align with the Salesian methodology" added Canizares.