New board of directors to lead the Engineering Earthquake Research Institute - Student Chapter

Quito, jueves 23 julio 2020
The new board of the EERI:  Britani Mendoza, Jorge Comina, Luis Merchán, Cristhian Villacrés, Ronald Ortiz, Anthony Simbaña
The new board of the EERI: Britani Mendoza, Jorge Comina, Luis Merchán, Cristhian Villacrés, Ronald Ortiz, Anthony Simbaña

A special ceremony was held for the outgoing board members of the Engineering Earthquake Research Institute (EERI) – Student Chapter at Universidad Politecnica Salesiana. The board was presided by Deysi Chicaiza who thanked professors and university officials for all their support.

The new board of directors will be made up by civil engineering students: Britani Mendoza, president, Jorge Comina, vice president; Luis Merchán, secretary; Cristhian Villacrés and Ronald Ortiz, advertising, and Anthony Simbaña in marketing.

Father Herrán congratulated students for their dedication and perseverance and proposed the creation of an Institute for Seismic Studies with the support of UPS, but independent in its research. "The aim of the proposal is to accumulate knowledge and it will be you who will build that knowledge for the world," he said. Later, Gabriela Soria, director of the program, referred to the ability of students to build and strengthen research networks.

UPS is not a homogeneous place and it is in the academic groups where everyone learns in a horizontal manner and citizenship that responds to specific problems is created. "Science is created there, in solidarity and communion with others."

Maria Sol Villagomez, new vicepresident of our branch campus in Quito, spoke about how salesian students help build a better society. "I admire their work and stress their ability to be pleasing and acknowledge professors and officials, that says a lot", she said. 

During the event, there was also a talk led by Sergio Omar Bermecos, from Universidad Nacional de Mexico UNAM, who presented the topic: "Reliability of buildings in case of an earthquake."