New members of ADAUPS took office

Guayaquil, viernes 31 julio 2015
New members of ADAUPS at UPS-Guayaquil.
New members of ADAUPS at UPS-Guayaquil.

The Electoral Committee at UPS-Guayaquil led the inauguration of the provisional members of the university's workers association- ADAUPS for 2015-2016.  The winning members of ADAUPS, with 180 votes, are: Reynaldo Ramírez Camba, President, Jorge Fariño Cedeño Vice president, both professors in the electronic engineering faculty, Johanna Perez, secretary, Jennifer Coello, treasurer, Edgar Salazar, trustee, Erlicia Franco, John Avila, Guillermo Pizarro and Galo Salmon. 

After thanking people for their votes and trust, Reynaldo Ramirez explained their functions will focus on five main areas: 

-    Have permanent communication with all the staff at the university through a newsletter which will have information regarding their activities.
-    Legalize ADAUPS with legal frameworks and create statutes.
-    Strengthen the financial area in order to optimize loans granted to workers
-    Find ways to encourage professors' academic and professional development
-    Strengthen social and sports activities, health insurance, Christmas and New Year festivities, and all other benefits for the university community.

The Electoral Committee was made up by UPS-Guayaquil Vice President Andres Bayolo Garay, Danny Barona and Tatiana Andrade.