One of our graduates does volunteer work in the Peruvian jungle

Cuenca, viernes 23 febrero 2024
Xavier Sicha with children in the Peruvian jungle
Xavier Sicha with children in the Peruvian jungle


Xavier Sicha, graduate from the psychology undergraduate program in our branch campus in Cuenca, became an international volunteer in the Peruvian jungle where he is currently carrying out salesian missions in remote communities. At the university he was part of the salesian groups and was the coordinator of peer tutoring groups in psychology, as well as helping in the pastoral department. “After finishing high school, I did volunteer work for salesians and that set a strong conviction for my personal and professional life”.


Xavier is currently in the city of San Lorenzo (northeast of Peru); to get there, you must go from Lima to the city of Yurimaguas which is almost a 23 hour drive and from Yurimaguas to San Lorenzo it takes a 9 hour boat ride. 

In 2026, salesians will celebrate 25 years of missionary work in this city. Xavier provides psychological assistance and organizes pastoral activities with 7 communities. “Throughout my life I have felt close to God. Since I was a child, in Limón Indaza I participated in church which was marked by meeting Salesians and from there I knew that this would be transcendental in my life. I have participated in oratories, youth groups, catechism, music and more.”