Online tutoring for first year students

Guayaquil, miércoles 3 junio 2020
Online tutoring in our branch campus in Guayaquil
Online tutoring in our branch campus in Guayaquil


Students from higher levels will provide online tutoring to other students who need to strengthen their knowledge and skills in some subjects.

The classes are regularly aimed at first year students to help them not only improve their understanding and grades, but to also help them get used to the education system at the university. "Since students themselves have been tutoring other students, their performance has improved a lot", said Andres Bayolo, director of the economics undergraduate program.  

For Lilinana Vivanco, civil engineering student, tutoring helps improve grades a lot. "Classes on calculus have been very important, the material used by the tutor is really good, she explains really well and we get to reinforce the topics we have seen that week", she said.

 "Being of part of the team of tutors requires more work and effort for us, but it is a great and enriching experience", said Melanie Morán, psychology student.  Lisbeth Ipiales, coordinator of peer tutoring for the psychology undergraduate program stated that "once the first evaluation process is over, they identify students who had low grades and ask them to join the tutoring classes", she said

The subjects chosen to be part of tutoring program are analyzed based on the results of previous periods where two important aspects are considered: the number of repeating students and the academic risk. "Students know the tutors' schedules, so they know when to find them", said Ipiales.

On the other hand, the evaluations of tutoring classes are approved by the Academic Coordination. "Basically the tutor provides feedback and complementary theoretical and practical knowledge, problems of the subject, depending on the subject", said Pedro Peña, director of the Civil Engineering program

Information on the online tutoring classes will be send via email, social networks and the virtual learning environments. "The tutors get together with professors to know the topics they should teach and reinforce" said Bayolo.