Over 200 new graduates at UPS-Quito

Quito, miércoles 16 septiembre 2015
New graduates
New graduates

Two graduation ceremonies, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, for 219 students from several majors were held on September 9th in the university coliseum. New professionals in business, social communiation, pedagogy, applied anthropology, accounting, management and leadership, computer engineering, civil engineering, electronics engineering and mechanical engineering received their university degree.

During the morning ceremony, Dr.Edgar Tello spoke on behalf of UPS-Quito Vice President  Jose Juncosa and told everyone the news that UPS-Quito had passed all the evaluations carried out by Higher Education Council, and that it got the highest grades. 

"This event means a lot for society and the university since a new group of professionals who have received both human and professional education can go out there and accomplish the university's mission statement which is to educate honest citizens and excellent professionals."

The afternoon ceremony was presided by Jose Juncosa who also talked about the Higher Education Council's evaluation and thanked everyone for trusting this university for their education. 

The graduates with the best grade point average in this class were Alba Rocio Quinteros Miño, from business administration, and Nelson Andrés Salazar Rivera, from computer engineering. They were both in charge of giving the final speech on behalf of all graduates.