People with visual impairment were trained to use free software programs

Guayaquil, martes 7 febrero 2017
People with visual impairment in the training session
People with visual impairment in the training session

The Inclusion Support Center (Centro de Apoyo a la Inclusión - CAI for its acronym in Spanish) and the Information and Communication Technologies Associated with Disabilities Research Group (Grupo de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación Asociadas a la Discapacidad TICAD for its acronym in Spanish) from the university's branch campus in Guayaquil held a training session called "Introduction to NVDA Screen Reader Software", which allows people with visual disabilities to learn about tools that facilitate the use of computers.

The aim of the training session, held on January 25th, was to provide people with visual impairment the tools needed to increase their work, education and social opportunities. "Nonvisual Desktop Access is a free software tool that allows people with impairment to perform in a natural way within their professional context", said Alice Naranjo, organizer of the event.

Besides training people with visual impairment, the session was used to try out this tool so that companies can download this free software and reduce costs. "It is very gratifying to see UPS holding this type of activities for people with disabilities", said Wladimir Velasco, trainer.

CAI and TICAD have planned three training sessions during this academic period that enable the inclusion of people with disabilities.  The next event is to teach the linear access to mathematics program for braille devices or audio synthesis (LAMBDA).

These events have been approved by Fundación Once para América latina (FOAL), Ágora and Federación Nacional de Ciegos del Ecuador (FENCE).