Poetry marathon “La palabra que labra”

Cuenca, viernes 6 octubre 2023
Reading of poems
Reading of poems


Poetry is a form of art that allows people to express their feelings, emotions and ideas in an aesthetic way. In this regard, the third edition of the poetry marathon was held in the city of Cuenca: “La palabra que labra”, an event that sought to make an urgent call to defend life from the interests that threaten water and the peace of citizens.


Our university (UPS) and Universidad Católica de Cuenca (UCACUE) were the sponsors of this event, along with urban groups, and organized the reading poems and literature along the banks of the Tomebamba, Yanuncay and Tarqui rivers.

Several activities were carried out, starting with the opening ceremony and then the reading of poems and artistic acts such as modern dance, folk dances, music and painting on 16 bridges simultaneously.


Each place had guest poets such as Jorge Dávila, Catalina Sojos, Issa Aguilar, Jorge Aguilar, Susana Moreno, Carlos Álvarez, Freddy Portilla, Augusto Rodríguez and Fernando Moreno. Professors, employees, students and the public who gathered at this event also participated as readers.

The university is proud to have supported the largest cultural event in the continent, which contributes from academia to the dissemination of poetry, highlighting its commitment to peace, nature and the beauty of the city.