Presentation of “Agenda de la Mujer UPS 2023"

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Académico Cuenca martes, 11 abril 2023


The psychology undergraduate program in our branch campus in Cuenca invites the university community and the general public to the presentation of “Agenda de la Mujer UPS 2023”.


The aim of the event is to create awareness about the prevention of gender violence and promote equality in the university community. Currently 6 out of 10 students are women, 3 out of 10 professors are women, 1 out 10 university officials are women, and 1 out of 10 researchers are women. 


Worldwide, gender violence kills more women than cancer, malaria, car accidents and all of them together. 4 billion dollars is the world cost of violence against women, which represents 5.2 of the world GDP.


Events like the one that will take place on April 11th at 10am in the university theater help create strategies to communicate ways to prevent gender violence and promote gender equality. 


Date: April 11th
Time: 10h00 
Place: Teatro Universitario Padre Carlos Crespi


For more information contact: 
Isabel Flores Sisalima