Presentation of the 10th edition of the digital magazine: “Juventud y Cienca Solidaria en el camino de la investigación”

Cuenca, lunes 18 abril 2022
High school students who have written articles for the magazine
High school students who have written articles for the magazine


The university’s UNESCO chairs program on assistive technologies for inclusive education presented the 10th edition of the digital magazine: “Juventud y Cienca Solidaria en el camino de la investigación”. The magazine contains scientific articles written by high school students. 


Fernando Pesantez, general vice president of UPS, explained that 20 high schools have taken part in this project since December 2018. “284 Students have written 139 articles. All the articles have been thoroughly reviewed and the magazine is currently available to the global academic community”, he said. He also congratulated students’ parents, since their children have taken writing to another level by producing scientific articles. 

Mirian Gallegos, coordinator of the university’s UNESCO chairs program in our branch campus in Quito, presented the 10th edition of the magazine and stressed students’ great participation and enthusiasm to write and publish their articles. She stated that they are very proud to present the 10th edition of the magazine which means many young students are committed to science and technology and there is a growing culture of reading and writing. 


Authors of the articles and professors who have contributed to the magazine were awarded recognitions during the ceremony. 

There was a presentation of the folk dance group from Corazón de María –Oblatas high school. Camila Kassandra Moreta Contreras is a member of the dance group and also wrote and published an article in the magazine titled: “El arte de danzar en mi alma”.


Fernando Moscoso, vice president of our branch campus in Cuenca, stated that the magazine is a great opportunity to disseminate science. It is a great contribution from high school students.