Presentation of the book "Bases y estrategias de la gestión (de lo) cultural"

Quito, lunes 16 diciembre 2019
The book
The book "Bases y estrategias de la gestión (de lo) cultural"


Our branch campus in Quito presented the book "Bases y estrategias de la gestión (de lo) cultural", written by Fabian Saltos Coloma a graduate of the anthropology undergraduate program and guest professor of the master's degree in cultural management, here at Universidad Politecnica Salesiana.

The book stresses the fundamentals and models of cultural management: public, private and community. It also raises the possibility of rethinking the cultural management model that makes the ideological and cultural emancipation of communities possible and a section is dedicated to the analysis and reflection on the profile, fields, methods and professionalization of cultural managers. 

The presentation took place in the Abya Yala university library and was attended by students and professors of the master's degree in cultural management and the vice president of our branch campus in Quito, Jose Juncosa. Andres Zabal, cultural manager, said the book relates culture and nature and how to manage them. 

Blas Garzón, director of the master's degree, said managers have to understand and manage culture based on an analysis of our country's culture. Fabian Saltos said the book was written based on his experience in anthropology and as a cultural manager, it is a guide for the study of cultural rights and topics related to society, culture and economics