Presentation of the book: “Centros infantiles y escuelas de Quito por dentro”

Quito, miércoles 22 febrero 2023
Presentation of the book
Presentation of the book


Our branch campus in Quito presented the book: “Centros infantiles y escuelas de Quito por dentro. Una mirada desde la investigación”, which was coordinated by professor Maria Elena Ortiz. The book contains research carried out by students majoring in early and basic education, as well as contributions from professors in the field of methodology.

Each chapter enables readers to learn about what really happens inside schools; there are also stories, expectations and projects. 

The book is divided into three parts: children as the core to create curricular policies, children’s center, development of schools. 

The event was attended by Maria Sol Villagomez, vice-president of our branch campus in Quito; Pamela Oña and Jessica Rivadeneira, authors; Maria Jose Arizaga, Azucena Bastidas and Ivonne Lopez, co –authors.

Comments on the book were made by Cristina Orozco from Universidad Central del Ecuador and Ana Maria Narvaez, director of the early and basic education undergraduate programs.