Presentation of the book: Cimientos de una obra perenne

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Presentación de Libro Cuenca martes, 9 julio 2024


The law program in our branch campus in Cuenca, the Center for studies and dissemination of constitutional law (CEDEC for its acronym in Spanish) and the Constitutional Court of Ecuador invite the university community and the general public to the presentation of the book: Cimientos de una obra perenne: Ensayos sobre las transformaciones históricas del derecho constitucional en el Ecuador.


The book was written by several authors, there are six essays where the authors address different periods and episodes of Ecuadorian constitutional history and stress the role of the organizations in charge of defending the Fundamental Norm in the creation of what we now know as the constitutional rule of law.


Date: July 9th 

Time: 9am

Place: Leonidas Proaño auditorium



For more information contact:
Vicente Solano
Tel.: (+593) 74135250