Presentation of the book collection: "Filosofía de la innovación y de la tecnología educativa"

Quito, viernes 18 diciembre 2020
Book I of the collection
Book I of the collection


The university presented the book collection titled "Filosofía de la innovación y de la tecnología educativa", which was edited and published by Abya Yala and coordinated by Floralba Aguilar, editor of the journal "Sophia". The collection contains research carried out by the Philosophy and Education Research Group from our branch campus in Quito, as well as other national and international professionals. 

The collection has three books: Philosophy of innovation, innovation in education and technological innovation in education. The books were written by 32 authors who reflect on the origin, advantages and challenges of philosophy of innovation and its impact on education. It also reflects on digital education and its impact on innovation.

UPS president Juan Cárdenas, said that "philosophy must be present throughout human education, the development of knowledge, so as to ensure academic proposals without losing sight of what is important." María Sol Villagómez, vice president of our campus in Quito, encouraged teachers and students to continue strengthening research in order to respond to the needs of society, through the generation of proposals and collaborative work.

The comments were made by José Darío Cedeño, from Universidad César Vallejo in Peru; María Elena Arriagada from Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educació in Chile; Eloy Maya from Universidad de Guanajuato in Mexico; Diana Mabesoy from Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios de Huila, Colombia. Olga Casanova from the Universidad de los Lagos de Chile; Francisco Farnum Castro from Universidad de Panamá and Martha Guerra from the Universidad Popular Del César in Valledupar, Colombia.

Regarding volume I Philosophy of Innovation, Arriagada said that it understands the sense of permanent change. "We must work together for life based on dialogue and tolerance, we must develop the ability to think about others, feel empathy and collective responsibility."

Maya stated that that it is important to consider the value of others in educational processes "persons have been put aside to achieve institutional goals." Farnum, referring to volume II, considered that a change in attitude based on motivation is needed from a dialogue of knowledge and collaborative learning. "To achieve innovation you have to have knowledge networks, inter and multidisciplinary research groups, but above all connectivity between human beings to achieve innovation". Later, Guerra stated that the books invite us to build a greater bond between man and nature, "for science to flow we need a collective perspective."

Regarding volume III, Mabesoy invited participants to reflect on the educational act, the ways of learning, teaching and how to make education more meaningful by taking advantage of technological tools. Casanova stated that the books are a proposal to innovate in teaching as it raises strategies and proposals for our class.

Finally, Tatiana Mosquera, Research Coordinator in our branch campus in Quito, thanked the authors and those who made the publication of this book possible. She congratulated the leadership of Floralba Aguilar in this process