Presentation of the book “Experiencias docentes en tiempo de pandemia”

Quito, martes 19 julio 2022
Authors of the book
Authors of the book


University officials presented the book “Experiencias docentes en tiempo de pandemia”, which was coordinated by Maria Sol Villagomez, vice president of our branch campus in Quito, and Floralba Aguilar, academic coordinator. The book is about educational experiences, professional practices, pedagogical and methodological proposals, the use of technology tools and other topics which emerged during the pandemic.


Maria Sol Villagomez stressed that the book is the result of analyzing teaching – learning processes. “The objectives of this book were to place emphasis on the importance of education, understand society after the pandemic and think about the type of person we want to educate”, she said. 


Floralba Aguilar said the book summarizes reflections on the difficult circumstances we have all had to face and how education can help build a new future. 


Professor Diana Avila said “the book creates debate between online education and a hybrid model of education; there is a description of tools such as podcasts, virtual visits to museums and libraries, and other resources. Students majoring in early education and intercultural bilingual education also took part in the book”.


Tatiana Rosero spoke about collaborative learning and Catya Torres about family education as an urgent component today.


Professor Nestor Castillo explained that the research was conducted during the pandemic and it was divided into three parts. “The first was related to higher education in this new scenario, the other to praxis in higher education and the third to a psychological interpretation of results; fundamental elements to understand reality”.