Presentation of the book "Guía metodológica para el trabajo interdisciplinar en carreras de Educación"

Quito, miércoles 27 enero 2021
The book
The book "Guía metodológica para el trabajo interdisciplinar en carreras de Educación"


University officials presented the book titled "Guía metodológica para el trabajo interdisciplinar en carreras de Educación", published by the university's Abya Yala publishing house and written by professors Armando Romero, Napoleón Esquivel and Patricio Benavides. The presentation was done online and was attended by Fernando Pesantez, general vice president; Ana Maria Narváez, director of education undergraduate program; and students.

The book is a guide aimed at education professors; it contains procedures and tools to facilitate planning, execution and evaluation of actions that are part of the curriculum. 

UPS president Juan Cardenas, stated that the book "favors the integration of knowledge, improves research processes and encourages professors from other fields to take part in research".
Maria Sol Villagomez, vice president of our branch campus in Quito, said the guide is methodological and collaborative. "This book makes it possible to develop the curriculum through projects since it provides teachers with a guide on how to carry out the curriculum and the pedagogical model to meet the objectives of the academic project based on situated experiences".

Napoleón Esquivel pointed out that the process to write this book began in 2016 with the new curriculum for the Basic Education and Initial Education careers. The book was commented made by Victoria Palacios, a researcher at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE), who stated that "This book says we must learn with others, it puts an end to individualism, proposes a holistic integral model, has coherence between theory and practicality in order to work on the integration of knowledge ".

Finally, María Elena Ortiz, teacher and coordinator of the Research Group on Curricular Policies and Educational Practices (GIPCYPE for its acronym in Spanish), referred to the importance of the collective construction of knowledge. "Having a well-founded, directed guide, where teachers know how to carry out the integration process, demands many challenges from us".