Presentation of the book: Narrativas, ciclos de protesta y repertorios de acción colectiva en Ecuador (1990 - 2020)

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Presentación de Libro Quito lunes, 16 octubre 2023


Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, the Abya Yala publishing house and the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences invite you to the presentation of the book: “Narrativas, ciclos de protesta y repertorios de acción colectiva en Ecuador (1990 - 2020)”.

The book is the result of research carried out by researchers from six Ecuadorian universities, as well as information collected from eleven talks that were held in FLACSO in 2021. 

The book provides an overview of the main social movements in Ecuador and several other issues. 




Date: November 16th 
Time: 6pm
Place: “El Giron” campus

For more information contact:
René Unda