Presentation of three books written by professors and students in our branch campus in Guayaquil

Guayaquil, miércoles 28 junio 2023
Presentation of books
Presentation of books

Researchers - professors from the Industrial Engineering and Business Administration programs and students majoring in Basic Education, Early Education and Psychology from our branch campus in Guayaquil, presented the books: "Del sistema preventivo a la acción pastoral; Sistematización de una experiencia de asociacionismo salesiano"; "Competitividad e Industria" and "Educación Inicial; una visión desde los docentes en formación”


Evelyn Calderón, student and co-author of the book "Educación Inicial; una visión desde los docentes en formación”, said: "we have been working since the fourth semester, all of us have been working, studying and analyzing children from zero to six years old and their learning methodologies so that they can develop their skills.” 

The aim of the books is to strengthen the work carried out by professors on issues of social interest and contribute to society, as well as encourage participation of professors. students as part of their academic training. Johan Méndez, professor and co-author of the book "Del sistema preventivo a la acción pastoral; Sistematización de una experiencia de asociacionismo salesiano", said: "we collect from young people who work with Salesian groups and we can study different topics related to youth participation, university pastoral and social responsibility, and others.”