President of the higher education quality assurance council visited UPS - Guayaquil

Guayaquil, viernes 29 julio 2022
Wendy Anzules in the laboratories
Wendy Anzules in the laboratories


Wendy Anzules, president of the higher education quality assurance council (CACES for its acronym in Spanish), visited our branch campus in Guayaquil to witness a professional qualification exam being applied to health professionals.


During her visit, she took a tour of the electronics, automation, electricity, automotive, mechatronics and computer engineering laboratories. Students presented the following projects:


•    SANAMENTICS web system for the prevention of Alzheimer's in older adults, this system was installed in nursing homes and hospices in the city of Guayaquil

•    SIPADI system to help people with disabilities in their learning process; it has been installed in 5 institutions for people with disabilities.

•    MEMOTECH Virtual reality, metaverse, augmented reality 

Raúl Álvarez explained that knowledge is integrated by knowing the environment of each profession, having alternatives that build an academic profile through the appropriate functional tools found in the engineering laboratories. ''It is important to complement knowledge with investigative-theoretical training, in a real and practical context, in which young people know in depth their professional future'', he said.

Wendy Anzules, said that ''UPS has everything it needs for the development of each profession and it allows students to apply scientific knowledge in many fields''.