Professors attended the 3rd International and Inter institutional meeting on assistive technology in higher education

Cuenca, miércoles 13 julio 2022
Professors from our branch campus in Cuenca in the 3rd meeting on assistive technology
Professors from our branch campus in Cuenca in the 3rd meeting on assistive technology


Professors – researchers from our branch campus in Cuenca attended the 3rd International and Inter institutional meeting on assistive technoloy in higher education – Edutech, organized by Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico. The project is financed by the Erasmus+ platform from the European Union; three European and four Latin American universities are taking part in this project. 


In the opening ceremony, Martin Aguilar Sanchez, president of Universidad Veracruzana, said “we all agree on the importance of providing people with disabilities places that can enhance their learning”. He welcomed all the representatives from higher education institutions; our representatives were Vladimir Robles, Paola Ingavelez, Cristian Timbi and Angel Perez. 


The aim of this meeting was to determine the general outlines of the pilot projects for the institutions so that everything done so far can be applied in real situations, and to provide greater dissemination to this type of products and guides as well as know what has been achieved with the project. UPS professors said the meeting was enriching because they were able to advance in many plans they have been working on together with students.


The advances obtained in Europe were also analyzed, establishing assistance units for the disabled in Latin America, an important contribution for the benefit of society.