Professors ended a course on Neuroeducation

Cuenca, martes 3 diciembre 2019
Professors with their approval certificates
Professors with their approval certificates


A ceremony was held in our branch in Cuenca to award professors who completed the course on neuroeducation applied to higher education. A total of 120 professors have completed the first two editions of the program.

The aim of the program is to improve performance in classrooms based on knowledge of the brain, functioning and human behavior which can help make a diagnosis and better intervention in the classroom. The aim is to train teachers so they can introduce changes in the class to achieve better academic performance, and thus improve the strengths of students and decrease repetition rates

Father Javier Herrán, UPS President, congratulated professors for their availability, innovation, change and for believing that there are things that can always be done to improve. He also thanked the members of the School of Industrial Organization from Spain, who are professors at Spanish universities, researchers in this area, who have worked on these two editions of the course.

Inmaculada Cubero, director of the Program, was satisfied with the great response from UPS professors to take advantage of the course, which benefits them and university students.