Psychoanalysis as a treatment tool during the health emergency

Guayaquil, martes 21 abril 2020
The webinar
The webinar


The psychology undergraduate program in our branch campus in Guayaquil held a talk titled "Psychology during the health emergency" and a seminar titled "Mental health and contemporary family" which were done virtually with renowned speakers from Argentina and Spain.

The aim of the webinars was to share several experiences on the work being carried out by professionals during this emergency situation the entire world is facing. "The challenge is to provide advice on how to face adversities which we call priorities", said Oscar Zack, a psychoanalyst from Argentina. 

Around 274 people attended the webinar, including students and professionals from Spain, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and others. "With these conversations we want to provide tools to psychologists around the world so they can respond appropriately to the demands people are facing in this emergency", said Gloria Bermúdez, director of the Psychology undergraduate program in Guayaquil.

The topics were: 

• Psychoanalytic techniques 

• Principles of psychoanalysis 

• The notion of urgency from psychoanalysis 

• The orthodoxy of psychoanalysis from practice 

• Psychoanalytic reading of the effects of the coronavirus

Luis Darío Salamone, an Argentinian psychoanalyst, stated that this type of practice has been held for a long time and it is important within emergency episodes in various fields. "This allows us to talk about the problem which is what should be done in the face of an emergency, the tools that we have are not new unless you have to use technology for those who do not have practice", he said.

The conversations are held once a week according to how the emergency develops inside and outside the country, the idea is to strengthen knowledge of both students and professionals in psychology.