Psychological support for the university community

Cuenca, miércoles 15 abril 2020
Lorena Cañizares, director of the undergraduate program
Lorena Cañizares, director of the undergraduate program


The psychology undergraduate program in our branch campus in Cuenca has undertaken several activities to help improve the emotional situation students, professors and the overall community are currently facing during this time of quarantine. 

Professionals in this field have been presenting some simple and very useful techniques to manage emotions that may arise during the quarantine. The psychology group is holding talks once a week on topics related to managing emotions and psychological support; the talks are organized by members of the group who invite an expert to be the speaker.

Professors of this undergraduate program have been making short videos to show people their support and suggest strategies to manage emotions. They are also creating a database with information on experts and support centers where people could go to in they need to. 

Students of the master's degree in psychology are part of the National Network of Psychological Tele support to help people get through this crisis.