QUITO: Área de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas organizó evento por los 20 años de la UPS

Quito, martes 15 julio 2014
QUITO: Área de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas organizó evento por los 20 años de la UPS
QUITO: Área de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas organizó evento por los 20 años de la UPS


The Department of Economics and Administrative Sciences organized an event for UPS's 20th foundation anniversary

On July 8, 2014 the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, along with its majors in Management and Leadership, Accounting and Auditing, and Business Administration, organized an academic event which included speeches, discussions and cultural presentations for UPS's 20th foundation anniversary.

Tania Chicaiza, director of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, inaugurated this event. Grace Moreano, director of the business administration major, Mercedes Zapata, director of the accounting and auditing major, along with professors and students took part in the activities scheduled for this event in the Sur and Giron campus.

Chicaiza spoke about the University's history since its foundation: "the administrative science majors opened in 1997, four years after UPS's foundation, and have become significant for the university, but not because of the number of students it currently possesses, but because of the way our graduates have represented the university in their jobs and personally" she said.

Later on, professor Vicente Plasencia led the discussion "Salesian Identity within the Administrative Science majors". He said that to remember the Salesian charisma and spirit, we must understand the term homo economicus as "the man who manages goods efficiently and reasonably, and an intelligent being who manages the resources from home in order to have economic equality".

Regarding Salesian charisma and spirit, Plasencia talked about the impact Don Bosco's educational experience has had on society since the XIX century and how it still transcends today as integral education including catechesis, education, games, sports, camping, music, professional training, among other things.

Another topic was "Business ethics" which was presented by Pedro Humberto Montero Tamayo. He said that a business executive faces several dilemmas when making decisions, but should always remain ethical.

Apart from the talks, some accounting and auditing students presented their business projects in the Feria de Costos where they talked about production processes and cost-benefit analysis. Some of their projects were: Envases y Tubos Evatub S.A, Empresa Zaimell, Empresa de Textiles Texticom, Codehotel, Verdillano S.A.

Finally, there was the discussion on "Social Management and Social Capital. Revitalization of the State and new development perspectives" led by Ricardo Carillo. He talked about the processes of public management and its relation with the humanistic and social areas, which are parameters that enable a connection between institutions and society.

Por Mayra Aguirre A., Redacción web